by Globe Protocol B.V.



Log in easily and quickly at your favorite webshop with AnyID and decide for yourself how your data is shared. You have insight and control at any time over which data can be seen for your connected webshop.What can I do with AnyID?🚧 Always determine who has access to your dataAt AnyID, we give control of privacy back to you! You determine with one click which brands see your data. When webshops use your data, you can find this in the overview of AnyID.😍 Log in super easily with your fingerprint on your favorite webshop.Remembering passwords is a thing of the past. With AnyID you can log in and register at all affiliated webshops using your fingerprint.🔒 Store and update your data securely in one central place.Keeping track of all your different online accounts is no longer necessary. AnyID stores your data securely with the latest techniques. The affiliated webshops can use these if you give permission for this. This way your data remains clear and always up-to-date.🎁 Share your interests with your favorite brand and receive a cool reward for this.Your data is important for your favorite brand! That is why you receive a reward that matches the interests you share. This way brands can continue to reach their audience and you can shop cheaper!Important!AnyID will always be free for you. AnyID earns money by connecting companies. We will therefore never force you to share data. For more information, see informationDo you have questions or ideas about our app? Let us know via [email protected] companiesWe are happy to show you AnyID and explain how we can help your business and achieve your goals.Visit for more information.AnyID is a product of Globe Protocol